Complaints Procedure

For Sail Legal. Plain and simple.

We take any form of dissatisfaction with service or procedure seriously. Below is our Complaints Procedure setting out how we will communicate to a client when our service does not meet set expectations. 

To ensure quality of service and as part of our governance and operational management we will review all elements of dissatisfaction on a weekly basis and formally report at our monthly Board Pack. 

Our system will collate the following information:

1. Why our service did not meet expectations;
2. What changes do we need to implement to avoid the situation from reoccurring in the future and how we can measure success;
3. What lessons did we learn?

Our benchmark which we follow in the industry is no more than 0.5% of active matters to be complaints. We will track our performance against this measure. We will also conduct client audit and feedback requirements to capture elements of positive, standard, and negative feedback. We will listen to our clients, introducers, third party and all members of staff. 

This Policy & Procedure will be reviewed annually by Jamie Cole and the Head of Legal Practice (HOLP). If, however new legislation or case law changes the dynamic or requirements an urgent review will take place and an updated version cascaded to all members of staff. 

The next date for renewal is the 1st of April 2025.

Complaints Policy & Procedure

Sail Legal Ltd takes pride in the service provided to you. We aim to serve your best interest in accordance with your instructions.

Unfortunately, there may be times where we have not acted in harmony with your expectations for which we are extremely regretful. We would like the opportunity to remedy the position. Please let us know immediately of the slightest concern you have as we shall deem this as a complaint, meaning our standards have fallen short, we will make every attempt to rectify the position.

If our efforts are still not of an acceptable standard to you, please follow our complaints procedure, which is set out below.

What do we consider to be a complaint?

A complaint is an oral or written expression of dissatisfaction, which alleges you have suffered, (or may suffer), financial loss, distress, inconvenience, or detriment. 

What do you do if you have a complaint?

We aim to resolve any complaint as quickly as possible. If you are unable to progress and resolve matters with the person who has been dealing with you, please contact Edwina Homfray-Davies and responsible for investigating and resolving all complaints where possible.

What do we do when we receive your complaint?

Once we have received your complaint, we will write to you or email you within 7 days acknowledging your complaint and setting out how your concerns will be investigated.  If a complete response to your complaint has not been made by that time a final resolution to your complaint shall be provided by the 28th day from receiving your complaint.

If you have made the complaint verbally - either at a meeting or on the telephone, we will acknowledge the complaint and write to you setting out in full, our understanding of the nature of your complaint within 48 hours.

Our assessment

The assessment of the complaint will be based upon a sufficient and fair investigation. We will explain in writing our findings and where the complaint is upheld will offer remedial action or redress. This will be actioned promptly. 

Further Assessment

If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of our handling of your complaint, please feel free to escalate the matter to Jamie Cole who is a director of Sail Legal. They will conduct a separate review of your complaint. You will be told about the conclusion of this review within 14 days. 

Legal Ombudsman

If after following the review process you remain dissatisfied with any aspect of our handling of your complaint, you may contact the Legal Ombudsman directly to ask them to consider the complaint further.

Unless they agree there are good reasons not to do so, the Legal Ombudsman will expect you to allow us to consider and respond to your complaint in accordance with the procedure set out above in the first instance. Timeframe: The Legal Ombudsman expects complaints to be made within one year of the date of the act or omission about which you are concerned, or within one year of you realising there was a concern. You must also refer your concerns to the Legal Ombudsman within six months of our final response to you.

The type of complaint

Complaints can be broken down into 3 main categories: -

- Service-related Complaints
- Conduct-related Complains
- Data Protection Complaints

Depending on the type of complaint, you can, after you follow our internal procedure above, make a claim to the appropriate regulatory bodies.

Below is a chart of how you can contact each regulatory body, but as we have mentioned above, it is our firm belief that we will be able to resolve your complaint. If this is not the case then please proceed to contact the regulatory bodies.

European Union Legislation requires that we draw to your attention to other bodies that can address legal complaints.
Alternative complaints bodies such as: Ombudsman Services, Promediate and Small Claims Mediation. However, it is a policy of this firm not to use such services and therefore we strongly advise you to follow the staged process below.

Type of Complaint

Stage 1 – Contact Details

Stage 2 – Contact Details

Stage 3- Contact Details

Service-related complaints

Edwina Homfray-Davies
Sail Legal Ltd 
0808 1967 007 

James Cole
Sail Legal Ltd 
0808 1967 007

Legal Ombudsman
0300 555 0333
Legal Ombudsman 
PO Box 6167

Conduct-related complaints

Edwina Homfray-Davies
Sail Legal Ltd 
0808 1967 007  edwina.homfraydavies

James Cole
Sail Legal Ltd 
0808 1967 007

Council of Licenced Conveyancers
020 3859 0904
Council for Licensed   Conveyancers,
120 Moorgate
London, EC2M 6UR

Data Protection – related complaints

Edwina Homfray-Davies
Sail Legal Ltd 
0808 1967 007  edwina.homfraydavies

James Cole
Sail Legal Ltd 
0808 1967 007

Information Commissioner’s Officer
0303 123 1113

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